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Balancing Mental Health and School

Writer: Holly AinsworthHolly Ainsworth

Back in high school and through the earlier portion of my college career, it was difficult to find a balance between my personal needs and my high expectations. After years, I am still perfecting my balance, but below are some tips that put me on the right track for where I want to be. Hope this helps!

1. Draw the line

When working on assignments, it’s okay to limit yourself to a few hours at a time. It is often said that working for two hours in 25 minute increment with 5 minute breaks in between helps to build your “studying stamina”. In setting limits for your work, a healthy routine is established while preventing the effects of burnout over weeks of classes. An app I recommend is Pomodoro! It is found through Google Chrome Extensions, and the built-in timer allows you to track your work throughout the span of a year.

2. Find an outlet

Whether it be art or sports, reading or writing, volunteering or knitting, finding an outlet can be extremely valuable. For example, when I was in high school, I participated in theatre which allowed me to creatively approach the lives of others and intellectually analyze the literary techniques used in a piece. To me, this was therapeutic and led to many wonderful memories. No matter what you decide on as an outlet, it should come from a desire to find joy outside of your daily schedule. Underwater basket weaving? Water polo? Kayaking? Your hobby can be whatever floats your boat (pun intended).

3. Plan out your week

Taking the time to see where your priorities should lie can ease the stress of your hectic schedule. For example, seeing that you have two tests on the same day could allow you to start preparing earlier so that you aren’t left cramming at the last minute. Organizing your tasks can make you feel more in control of the variety of checkboxes spinning around your head, and lead to better grades down the line.

4. Focus on the positives

When I was in my junior year of high school, I received the best Christmas gift of all time from my parents. It was a little blue notebook with lines assigned to each day of the year. The possibilities of what I could write about each day were unlimited, but I decided to focus in on one rule. Every day, I had to focus on the positives of what happened instead of writing about how things could have been better. Within just a few weeks, I gained such a different outlook. Positivity engrained itself in my daily encounters, gratification shined through in the bleakest of situations, and my negative interpretations disintegrated.

5. Say “I get to…” instead of “I have to…”

I have heard this concept quite a few times in the past few months, and I couldn’t agree more. For me, being in nursing school has been fairly difficult due to the rigor of courses, amount of work, and long days of studying, but I always stop to think about how amazing the gift of education is. So many people in the world wish they could be where you are right now, so enjoy the process. Another thought that might help is picturing yourself at the end of the difficult task ahead of you. It may be a difficult journey, but think about the strength, knowledge, and resilience you have already earned thus far. It can only go up from here.

6. Make time for fun

The nagging sensation of constantly needing to study or do homework can be difficult to overcome. However, one way to combat this is setting aside time to enjoy yourself. Sometimes it can be difficult squeezing in a couple of hours for coffee dates or hiking in the woods, but planning out your time ahead of the week beginning can allow you to pencil in breaks for yourself. A few hours away from the textbook gives you time to recharge

7. Say “no” when you need to

Following the preceding tip, it’s easy to make promises to others, but the stress of following through with multiple things at once can be overwhelming. For example, if you are studying for a cumulative exam coming up and your friends want to take a camping trip for a couple of days, it may not be in your best interest to attend. Stepping away from other obligations for a bit doesn’t make you weak. It is about focusing on what your body needs to feel happy and healthy while fulfilling your priorities.

8. Demonstrate your appreciation for others

Being able to genuinely convey how much someone means to you is a crucial part of life. It allows you to focus in on the positive attributes of the individual while acknowledging their crucial role in your wellbeing. By noticing the good in others, you can unlock a whole world that’s just waiting to be seen. Furthermore, showing others that you see their generosity or intelligence, for example, can engulf you in a loving environment full of support and virtue. There is good in everyone even if it is not outwardly demonstrated. It is just a matter of uncovering it.

9. Aim for a decent amount of sleep

Sleep is needed for many things. From a physiological background, it is needed for the mending of your body, the retaining of information, and the kick-starting of your immune system. As soon as sleep flies out the window, so do the optimal stress response mechanisms in your body. Without adequate sleep, it is difficult to be on top of one’s game all the time. Sleep is the reset button for many bodily functions, so aiming for at least seven hours every night can contribute toward a greater state of mental wellness.

10. Enjoy the great outdoors

There is something so special about going outside even if it’s just for a brief moment. Besides getting your daily dose of vitamin D, it is a great release for everything else going on for your life. You could also kill two birds with one stone by finding an outdoor hobby, such as sports or hiking, that can allow you to gain a further appreciation of nature while having a great time.

11. Plan little treats for yourself

Knowing that you have a tough week of deadlines and exams ahead of you can be grueling, but planning to treat yourself afterward for all of the hard work that you have put in can be a great motivation factor. This approach mitigates stress and introduces self-care into your regiment. Last semester during my anatomy course, after a big exam my friends and I would go out for boba tea to celebrate our heavy schedule of studying. It helped us push through the preceding week, and was a great treat for all of the hard work we had put in. You are so intelligent, driven, and worthy, so you deserve all of the care in the world!

12. Have open communication with your teachers

Talking with your teachers about assignment expectations and conflicts upfront can save you from a lot of stress down the road. A great example of this is what my sister does. She is currently active in theatre, and numerous other organizations on campus, so when she has a big show coming up, she talks to her teachers to find out how she can get ahead. This way, she knows what work she has coming up during her more busy days and can plan to finish it more accordingly. Also, it is a wonderful way to ensure that she is able to enjoy her theatre performances without the anxiety of classes taking over.

13. Set limits on social media use

Social media is great when it is used for keeping up with friends and family, sharing your experiences with others, and keeping up with popular culture, but like everything else, it should be used in moderation. It can be easy to fall into the pit of self-comparison. For me, it was seeing that others were having these great adventures or hanging out without me, and it was tough to watch. The best way to combat this is to check it only a few times a day, if at all, and go out and make your own experiences to enjoy! There is a real life out there beyond the screens just waiting to be explored.

14. Take on life with open arms

You will come across many challenges in life, but it is all leading up to the beautiful growth of character that you will gain. When going through a tough time, find your motivation to succeed. Plan a mantra. Imagine your amazing future. At this point, this only thing stopping yourself is you, so run at life full speed and give it your all.

15. Find your support network

School can be a tough time. The pressures for succeeding are high, so it is always a good idea to find someone to lean on at your lowest points and celebrate at your highest points. This can be your mom, uncle, cousin, neighbor… anyone who can support you in your endeavors! One set of criteria to keep in mind is keeping a group that will conjure up a positive atmosphere. Sure, life can be tough, but having someone to help you along the way can make all the difference.

16. Find methods for coping with stress

Practicing this tip differs from person to person, but the best thing you can do is try multiple strategies and listen to what your body personally needs. For example, yoga may be good starting out your day on a positive note while writing could aid in unwinding before bed. It is about finding strategies that work for you and then carrying through with them. Recently, I have started running a few times a week, and taking that break to focus on myself has been so rewarding.

17. Acknowledge that you are trying your best

With class ranks, GPAs, and applying to competitive programs, not meeting every goal that you set for yourself can be difficult. However, something to keep in mind is your personal situation. You may have a lot on your plate, but you are probably doing the best that you can given your time and place in this world. Sure, a few changes here and there could have made a difference, but now you know how to tackle similar things in the future. You are growing as a person, and that’s scary. However, you are getting closer to where you need to be.

18. Leave the past behind

Building on that last tip, failure happens from time to time, but that is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone is going through time on their own path, and there is no “right way” to go about it. What has happened in the past doesn’t define your future. You don’t need to wait until the new year to make a change in your life. You are given the opportunity day in and day out to pursue the life you hope to achieve, and that is such a beautiful gift.

19. Care for your body

The mind and body and strongly intertwined. Without the health of one, the wellbeing of the other is hard to come by. Therefore, engaging in a proper diet and regular exercise is essential. Caring for your body also instills a sense of pride and puts your best foot forward going into your endeavors. As a result, working on leading the lifestyle you want to pursue is extremely rewarding in connection to your mental health.

20. Love yourself

You are with yourself more than any other person, so why not fight for what you need! Investing in love for yourself, not so much as in vanity, but sustains a healthy relationship with yourself is above all the most important thing I can tell you. You are doing the best you can, and that is all that matters. Go out and show the world what you are made of!



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